Apple Pacific Centre

Today I had the opportunity to be at the opening of Apple’s newest flagship store, Apple Pacific Centre. The two-storey store is unlike any retail experience I have ever seen in person prior, and the energy at a store launch day was even greater than I remember for past iPhone launches. While the lineup wasn’t around the block, security did zig-zag us quite tightly into the side of the exterior. It was a very brisk 0° C outside and we were all eager to get inside.

The clock ticked past 10am and the lineup of fans flowed into the store. There was lots of smiling, cheering, clapping, and high fives as I made my way in and uptairs to the mezzanine. The main floor is very product and accessory focused, the second floor has a few services displays (Arcade, Fitness+) but is clearly meant as a creative space for Apple to host Today at Apple sessions in. The massive front glass panels of the store allow people outside to see just about the whole store, with the exception of the stunning staircase in behind that has a fully open skylight above.

I have been toying with the thought of upgrading my Apple Watch to the newer, more… Ultra model. In fact today I unlocked the 365 Move Goals achievement in the Activity app, representing my near-perfect effort at closing all my rings for the last year. This new watch will be a great reminder of this achievement, and push me to try more this year to improve my wellbeing(s) — fitness, mindfulness, digital.

Saul Sutherland @thatsthequy